Introverts often experience feelings of intimidation that the lack of self-confidence brings. But it doesn’t have to ruin your ability to go after great opportunities.


In fact, by embracing your strengths, you can develop the self-confidence you’ve always yearned for.


Use these strategies to embrace your strengths and put your confidence issues behind you:


  1. Highlight what you’re already good at. Regardless of your challenges with self-confidence, you can always find things you’re naturally good at. Take the time to make a note of these things. Highlighting your greatness is a wonderful way to help boost your confidence.
  • Identify the character traits you possess. Highlight them. Embrace them and remind yourself of them often!
  • Set a little time aside each day to celebrate what you’re good at.
  • Take note when others compliment you. Introverts are inclined to brush compliments aside, but take them at face value. This means that others are seeing positive qualities that you might be overlooking!


  1. Turn challenges into celebration. Use your strong suits to help turn challenges around. You can lean on your strengths to provide reinforcement during difficult times.
  • For example, let’s say you need to make a presentation to an audience. You’re a nervous wreck because you feel you’re not good at presentations. Why not lean on your developing others strength to move the focus away from yourself?
  • There are many different ways to use your strengths to your advantage. Be creative and avoid looking at obstacles as insurmountable. Find a way to conquer.


  1. Sharpen your strengths. There’s always room for you to grow! Growing also involves developing your what you’re already good at. As you work towards sharpening your strengths, you’ll find that your self-confidence increases naturally.
  • Perhaps you’re naturally good at critical thinking. You break problems and arguments down systematically. But does that mean you’ve mastered the art?
  • Next time you feel like shying away from a tough challenge, draw on your strengths first. Test yourself to see just how agile you are.


  1. Set goals that make the best use of your strengths. There’s a way around your self-confidence issues. Take a break from setting goals that require self-confidence. Instead, set goals that use what you’re already good at. As you experience success regularly, it will bring out a new confidence in you.
  • Setting goals that are “easier” to accomplish isn’t cheating your way to self-confidence. Instead, it’s a stepping stone towards achieving that goal. It’s a way to continually prove to yourself that you’re formidable.
  • You deserve to enjoy the feeling of achieving a goal. It really does a lot for your self-esteem. It helps you believe that tougher goals, though challenging, are achievable.


As you work towards developing your self-confidence, remember that you are the only person who can get in your own way. There isn’t an external factor preventing you from achieving your goal.


Challenge yourself. Push yourself to feel uncomfortable if that’s what it takes to develop your strengths. In time, you’ll start to feel your confidence building. And soon, there won’t be a door you feel intimidated to open!


 If you want to be a more impactful and effective leader but lack of confidence, self-doubt, fear or overwhelm prevents you from moving forward, contact me to schedule a FREE call to find out how I can help you achieve your goals.


Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

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