I simply love the animals I’m so fortunate to have in my life.

Here’s a photo of ‘Dinky’ a triplet lamb born in April. She’s very much on the small side but with a lot of tender loving care, she’s making good progress.

There’s so much more to appreciate about our animal friends than we might realise. Here are a few ways I benefit from their presence:

🌟 I always have a walking partner. It’s definitely more enjoyable to walk with a companion and my dog is always excited to go for a walk… my cat even tags along too sometimes. Studies show that dog owners walk as much as 25 minutes longer each day than non-dog owners.

🌟 Having a pet can be soothing and I certainly feel more relaxed and less stressed having them around. Spending time with animals can increase feel-good hormones in the body.

🌟 You have someone to take care of. Life is more meaningful to many people when they have someone or something that relies on them.

🌟 Animals can uplift your mood. If you’ve ever had a pet, you’ll know what I mean. I always feel better after spending time with my animals.

🌟 As an introvert, it can be difficult striking up a conversation with a stranger, but most people like dogs and I find this definitely makes it easier to talk to people I don’t know.

🌟 Someone to talk to. I spoke to someone recently who said she didn’t know how she’d have survived lockdown without her dogs. Animals can be the perfect conversation companions. They’re always interested in what you have to say and they never judge!

Animals can bring a lot for your happiness, mental and physical health, and overall enjoyment of life!

What’s your favourite thing about animals / pets?

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