Positioning yourself as a leader will make your work more meaningful and support the advancement of your career.

The key is to know who you are and what you stand for, what makes you different from others in the organisation and how you can help your company thrive.  

Tapping into your natural strengths is something you can start doing right now and by learning how to use what you’re naturally good at you can build your influence in the workplace.


Developing Your Knowledge to Position Yourself as a Leader 

1. Read Daily

Whether via the internet or picking up a book, read about topics that interest you. The more you read, the better prepared you’ll be to contribute to any discussion. Your confidence will shine through whether you’re engaging in small talk or contributing to a new project.

2. Professional Development

Take advantage of programmes your employer offers or invest in your own professional development.

One of the advantages of investing in your own professional development is that you can learn at your own pace, when and where you want to.

The investment in time and money to improve yourself will be well worth it. You’re far more likely to enjoy the learning experience because you’ve chosen what you want to do along with the sense of achievement that comes from completing a programme you’ve initiated.

And it’s not just about developing your skills as an individual; it’s about enhancing your ability to work with others and helping you to build positive working relationships with your colleagues.

This can be a personal journey through which you’ll learn so much more about yourself, developing greater self-awareness and becoming a better leader.

3. Use Your Time Well

Keep up with the news and developments in your industry, and share them with your team.

For example, if you work in the financial sector, you might want to listen to podcasts that keep you ahead of the game. You can also listen to podcasts while commuting, out on a walk, or even during your workout.

You’ll stand out if you’re the first to notice a major development in your industry.

4. Shadow A Star Employee

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, a high performer may be pleased to show you the ropes. Let them know that you admire their style. Offer to assist them with specific tasks so you can learn from their example.

Be sure to let them know that you appreciate their efforts and that you enjoy working alongside them. This is also an opportunity to ask them questions about how they do things, and to get their perspective on your organisation / industry.

Remember to be respectful of their time and that their answers are not necessarily representative of all leaders. It’s always good to shadow more than one leader to gain a variety of perspectives.


Use Your Skills to Position Yourself as a Leader

1. Take Responsibility

Prove that you can be trusted and live up to your obligations. Develop a reputation for completing assignments and meeting deadlines.

Be friendly, show a willingness to work with others, and make a great impression.

Be flexible and open minded. Develop an effective communication style and learn to communicate effectively with both written and verbal messages.

Demonstrate self-confidence and initiative. Work towards your own goals, and develop a strong sense of self-esteem.

Taking responsibility is an essential part of personal development and success.

2. Keep A Record Of Your Achievements

Adopt a habit to write down your ideas and achievements. Reviewing your successes will boost your confidence. Remember that mistakes are opportunities to learn and will suggest adjustments you can make to do better next time. Speak kindly to yourself and your colleagues. Care about your own welfare and that of your colleagues too.

You should include examples of personal projects or experiences that you are proud of in your CV.

3. Express Enthusiasm

A positive attitude can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals, while a negative attitude can lead to stress and anxiety. An enthusiastic leader will be more productive, and inspire their team to perform at their best. Enthusiasm is contagious! The more you show it, the more others will want to join in.

4. Use Your Initiative

Be willing to go the extra mile. Volunteer for tasks that fall outside your job description to enhance your experience.

It’s not only about being seen, but also about helping others and making a positive impact on the organisation.

Start small, make a plan and follow through.

5. Share Feedback

Thank people for commenting on your performance and recommending steps you can take to further your professional growth.

Make an effort to follow up on what you have learned from feedback and use it to grow yourself.

Offer constructive and considered feedback that enables colleagues to do the same.

6. Give Generously

Above all, let your colleagues know that they can count on you when they need your time and expertise. Strive to be a valuable team member. Keep an eye out for anyone who’s struggling so you can create mutually beneficial relationships.

When someone has a tough time, offer to help or at least make yourself available as a sounding board. This will help you build connections, and people will look to you for advice and support.

Use these tips to transform yourself into the kind of leader team members will want to follow.


As an Introverted Leader, you are constantly adapting, learning and leading. You're not just a cog in a wheel, you’re a source of inspiration, motivation and support. To help you be a better Leader, download my FREE eBook now.


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Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash






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