The Quiet Warrior

Are you ready to make changes to achieve your next level goals?

Strengthscope® is endorsed by The British Psychological Society

Discover How to Tap into Your Natural Introvert Strengths so that You Can Become an Inspiring, Authentic and Confident Leader.

The Quiet Warrior: A transformational 1:1 program where you thrive as an introverted leader by recognising your strengths whilst embracing your unique influence and talent.

Are you…?

Fed up with being overlooked as a quiet leader?

Stressed and overwhelmed because your focus is always on what you aren’t good at or can’t do?

At the mercy of imposter syndrome and sick of second guessing your decisions?

Drowning in a sea of self-help books and videos knowing deep down its time to get some help?

Desperate to find your place as a leader and embrace your strengths in an agile world?

Do you ever wonder why you have never achieved the kind of success as a leader you thought you were capable of?


(Have you been passed over for promotion time and time again?) 

Let me tell you why: It’s the mistaken belief that introverts aren’t cut out to be leaders. That introspection and quiet analysis aren’t important traits as a leader.

How do I know this? I have been in your shoes and I know exactly how you feel. I have also helped many clients just like you.

My client Louise, struggled to find positive ways to improve her confidence, motivation and success. The shine of her role had worn off and her engagement and motivation were out of balance, limiting her success. She lacked direction and no longer knew what she was good at. She’d tried various self-help books and online courses but nothing really worked. She looked around and thought other people were getting ahead of her, fuelling her frustration because she wanted to move up to the next level but she just couldn’t work out what was holding her back or getting in her way.

Louise tried a multitude of self-help books and online courses. But NOTHING worked. She spent hours trying to find a solution that made her feel better but this didn’t work because they only scratched the surface and never dug deep enough to unearth the root of the problems Louise was experiencing.

She felt overwhelmed, frustrated and struggled to find a solution alone.

If you are like Louise, then you’re in the right place as you’re about to discover what you’ve been waiting for.

Think you know your personality type and what makes you tick?

(Think again…)

Combined with Coaching, Strengthscope® is like finding a superhero’s cloak you never knew you needed. It is you but, without the preconceived judgments and self doubts, a place to re-align and start again. The best thing is it’s backed by science and The British Psychological Society.

This unique strengths-based psychometric profiling enables self-awareness so that you can discover what really makes you tick, builds authenticity so that you can truly be yourself and empowers you to connect with others with honesty and clarity.


  • Enables self-awareness, so you can discover what really makes you tick
  • Builds a culture of inclusion where you can truly be yourself
  • Empowers you to truly connect with others with authenticity, honesty and clarity.


“I had recently been promoted and was feeling overwhelmed and an imposter. Karen’s programme enabled me to navigate my way through this period and provided numerous insights which I would otherwise have missed. The weekly check ins were helpful for me to focus and I looked forward to our fortnightly meetings (conducted remotely) – these sometimes over ran but I never felt like Karen was rushing me.

I would highly recommend The Quiet Warrior programme.”

Implementation Manager, NHS



“The sessions helped me resolve a series of issues and provided me with  metacognitive tools that will help me self-coach in similar situations in the future.

Karen is fantastic!”

Senior Lecturer, Bath Spa University



“Karen is a breath of fresh air, she not only helps you to think for yourself, but does it in a very friendly and positive manner.

Karen has a wealth of knowledge in this field, bringing her own experiences to the table to help you achieve your real aims and goals.

I have found Karen to be very professional and focused in helping me achieve my individual goals and aims.

​A true inspiration!!!”

Business Executive, Gloucestershire



“Karen’s gentle and supportive approach encouraged me to explore potentially painful issues, and her skilful questioning and reframing encouraged insights to emerge.  These insights were, in turn, translated into achievable actions for change.  I would highly recommend her as a coach.”

Finance Director, Wiltshire



“Karen enabled me to recognise my own strengths and move forwards with gathering self-confidence and self-reliance, making the most of skills I already have and building on them.”

Corporate Finance Specialist, Gloucestershire

The transformation you can expect.

  • Clarity around your strength aspirations, what it is you really want to achieve so that you’ll know when you get there
  • Developing your mindset to help you focus on your strengths and solutions rather than your weaknesses and problems to achieve peak performance and success
  • Discover your unique strengths (your motivators for work and life) using the Strengthscope Wheel to develop an in-depth self-awareness to help you understand yourself and your behaviours
  • How to take action and take your strengths to the next level to consistently deliver better results through building skills and experience in areas which energise and motive you
  • Build stronger working relationships to engage and motive others. You will think about their strengths, how best to utilise them and combine with your own to deliver greater results
  • Take action to improve your performance and stretch to achieve your full potential
  • Develop your leadership agility to adapt in shifting circumstances. You will learn how to flexibly apply your strengths, skills and experience in changing environments with speed and precision
  • Learn how to remove the barriers to success and develop areas that are helping you achieve your desired outcome. This greater self-awareness will help you achieve higher levels of confidence, success and productivity
  • 360 Feedback which indicates the visibility of your strengths to others based on feedback from your nominated raters and the use of your strengths to deliver results

Here’s what’s included:

  • Strengthscope profile – an extensive report identifying and explaining your ‘Significant 7’ strengths
  • 1:1 development coaching sessions to:
    • clarify your purpose and goals
    • build positive energy
    • develop a solutions mindset
    • achieve peak performance
    • 360 feedback
  • Two 1:1 accountability sessions to embed your learning and accelerate momentum
  • The Quiet Warrior workbook so that you can read the text and answer through provoking questions to develop your knowledge and understanding around the 5 A’s (strengths to success development process). The workbook allows you to work at your own pace and at times that work best for you. The bonus is that your independent work here will spark interesting thoughts about your strengths and performance risks which we will develop further during our coaching sessions.  

In three months’ time… 

you’ll have accomplished more than you ever thought possible, feel a greater sense of satisfaction and will have actually made progress towards the larger vision of what you want to do rather than just worrying about it.


The Quiet Warrior Programme 

will be the most pocket-friendly investment you’ll make to help you be more engaged, motivated and confident personally and professionally.

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