How A Simple Act Of Gratitude Everyday Can Make You Happier.


For most people, expressing their gratitude is an outright thank you. For others a casual thank you text or card is enough. But in psychology, it’s not just an offhand action. Gratitude is a positive emotion that goes a long way in making your life happier and more contented. The recognition entails more than feeling thankful for an act of kindness or condition because it consists of a deeper appreciation for someone or something. It affirms the graciousness of the giver. When we focus more on the many blessings in our lives, we are more contented, cheerful and generous. The feeling goes both ways.

Introverts can sometimes find it more challenging expressing their gratitude but when this is overcome, the giver of a gift can derive immense joy from the act of giving, and the receiver appreciates the kindness.

In our fast-paced world, it’s not unusual for daily blessings to go unnoticed because we often overlook the little acts of kindness we experience every day. However, gratitude is a wonderful emotion and scientific studies have proven that people who are grateful for what they have and / or receive in their lives experience an enormous amount of happiness.


Better Health

Studies show that people who express thanks have higher levels of well-being than those who do not. Gratitude appears to lower the blood pressure, reduce the heart rate and ease the tension of mental and physical stress.

Gratitude has also been linked to stronger immune systems and reduced risk of disease. So the next time someone does something nice for you, don’t just say “thank you”. Express your appreciation by saying something like:

“Thank you so much for thinking of me. It really means a lot.”


Boost your Self-Esteem

People who express their appreciation for what others have done for them experience an instant boost to their self-esteem. And higher self-esteem leads to a more positive outlook on life which, in turn, increases your sense of well-being.


New Relationships 

Saying thank you may demonstrate good manners, but showing appreciation may help you create new friendships, as well as help you live a happier life. Thanking someone for their kindness often helps them seek a more meaningful relationship with you. It doesn’t matter how small the kindness. Simply acknowledging little deeds can lead to new relationship opportunities, and of course, more happiness.


Keep Your Emotions in Check

Counting your blessings goes a long way towards being kind to yourself without undue comparison. A recent study found that an act of thoughtful appreciation produced a increase in happiness and reduction in stress and anxiety.

Gratitude is not a luxury, but a necessity. It can be the antidote to feelings of envy and discontentment. When you are feeling down, the best thing you can do is express your appreciation for what you DO have. Expressing gratitude is a self-correcting mechanism that will tend to balance the scales and lift your spirits.


Work Health

Most people want to feel appreciated. So think of the world of good it would do in your work environment if you showed more gratitude. Send a thank you email or card. Say thanks when someone goes out of their way to make your professional life easier. Show gratitude to work colleagues, clients and stakeholders and experience a positive ripple effect that will spread like wildfire.


Expressing Gratitude

A simple way to get started is to write down three things you are grateful for. Make sure they are unrelated. Then reflect on each of the items and notice how your feelings of appreciation change.

Is there anything you can think of that you are not grateful for? If so, it may be time to change things.

Cultivating and sustaining an attitude of gratitude goes a long way in helping you achieve happiness since there is virtually no downside to this simple act.



Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash





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